Zen of eBook Marketing is here!
After months of toiling over the book, %%% % % % and after many weeks of editing, tweaking, correcting and expanding it, “Zen of eBook Marketing” is finally here for the entire world to see! Within less than 24 hours, the book already made it to #1 of the Top 100 bestsellers in its “Direct Marketing” category.

And best of all, it’s free!
For a limited time—until Tuesday, February 23rd, to be exact—you can grab the book for free on Amazon. It is my way of paying it forward, of saying Thank You for the many years of advice, suggestions, comments and help I have received through my readership and through so many fellow authors all over the Internet.
I have poured the entire 8 years of experience I have gathered in the field of self-publishing books into “Zen of eBook Marketing” and I truly hope you will find some valuable information and ideas in there.
Whether you are launching your first book or are a seasoned pro, form a solid foundation and understanding of the tools you can use to plan, build, and grow your author platform. Learn to avoid costly mistakes and find out what works and what doesn’t.
What do you have to lose? Nothing is what; because the book is free until Tuesday!
Go ahead, grab your copy, and if you found it helpful, please make sure to leave a short review on Amazon as well. It will help the book get noticed, and it will give other readers a solid understanding of the depth and breadth of content found in this book.
If you’re tired of glorified blog posts disguising as actual books, “Zen of eBook Marketing” is your one-stop destination. Brimming with over 50k words of content, tips, tricks, and ideas, the book easily pays for itself. Oh, hold on… it’s free! So, why are you still reading this?
Once you grabbed a copy of the book, please be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon—if only as a token of “Thank You” for making the book available for free. After all, this is a 52k word book that took me months to write and tweak. My eternal gratitude will be yours—truly.
And, don’t forget your friends! Please make sure to share news about the book and the fact that it is currently free with your social network. Tweet about it, put it on Facebook or Instagram, please. Anything you can do to help me raise awareness for the book will be welcome.