The Deathfire Kickstarter is live!
If you’ve been following the development of my current game project, “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore,” you may be aware of the fact that we are currently trying to find this project on Kickstarter.
Here is a short trailer for the game, which taken from the full Kickstarter pitch video. Check it out and see if this is something you like.
So far we’ve already raised almost $40k, but it will be a long, hard way to the end, to get the full funding in place for the game, which is necessary to make the Kickstarter succeed.
Fortunately, you can help – even if you’re not into games and even if you don’t care for this one in particular perhaps. Why? Because your friends, relatives or acquaintances might be interested, and all I would ask of you is to share the good news. And to make it really easy for you, I have even prepared a couple of buttons, so that with three simple clicks, you can do a tremendously good deed and support our efforts. Just click on the link below, if you would,and my eternal thanks will be guaranteed. not to mention that your karma will go through the roof!
As you may recall, “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore” is a single-player party-based fantasy role-playing game that combines deep characters and solid storytelling with turn-based combat. One of the really cool things about the project is that we have a great team, consisting of people I have known and worked over the past 25 years or so. Some of our team members go back with me as far as “Shadows over Riva.” How cool is that?
It is a fun project to develop, and we’re trying to make something that truly harkens back to the traditional role-playing games of the Golden Era, when we all glued to our screens playing “Realms of Arkania,” “Wizardry,” “Might&Magic” or “Dungeon Master” and such. Creating the same kind of depth and attachment, but wrapping it in new technology and a beautiful visual presentation, we hope that “Deathfire” will truly speak to people who love classic role-playing games. After all, it’s what we know how to do best.

Saw the interview on Matt Chat and pledged even before you started talking, even though I usually cringe when I see the Kickstarter pushing in Matt Chat interviews (which I adore, BTW)…