“Curse of Kali” has been officially released!
The big day has arrived. Today is the official release of Curse of Kali. To me it is a remarkable milestone because it is the tenth Jason Dark supernatural mystery and the tenth book I have ever published. I have high hopes for this book — it is the best I’ve written so far, I believe – and I am sure many readers would enjoy the furious mix of action, classic horror, suspense and mystery. Maybe you could help me, make this release a full-out success, by tweeting it up today and/or in the days to come. Here is a short tweet you could use…
CURSE OF KALI new #supernatural #mystery by @GuidoHenkel now on #Kindle for only 99 cents! #ebooks http://amzn.to/fi8vfg
or if you’d rather push for the Nook version, you could tweet something like this
CURSE OF KALI new #supernatural #mystery by @GuidoHenkel now on #Nook for only 99 cents! #ebooks http://bit.ly/eYkAwa
If we manage to get this book into the Top 1,000 of either the Amazon Kindle Store or Barnes & Noble’s Nook store, I will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card among those who tweeted up the book.
Anyway, enough with the pushing, already. I’m sure you’re more interested in the book and the story itself than my blabbering.
Here is what’s in store for the occult detective this time.
Beheaded by a statue that came alive?
In Victorian London, the head of a rich writer in the hands of Hindu goddess Kali would certainly indicate so and raises some peculiar questions.
Trying to find out whether the killer was even human, Inspector Lestrade decides to consult two detectives — one, the premier authority in the crime field, the other, famed ghost hunter Jason Dark.
Despite the overwhelming evidence, Dark and Siu Lin reckon there might be an even more sinister force at work than they originally suspected — and a nemesis returns!
I don’t want to spoil the fun, but this story is filled to the brim with great appearances by characters you should know and remember. Since this is the tenth volume, I simply felt, I owed it to the series and you, my faithful readers, to dish out something extraordinary, and I hope I have succeeded.
Stop by the official website to check it out — there’s a free reading sample as always — or take advantage of the cool promotion that is going right now, giving you access to the eBook for only 99 cents over on Amazon and Barnes&Noble.
Don’t forget to leave a review, when you’re done, to tell others about your reading experience, or send your thoughts and comments directly to me. I’d love to hear from you.
Thank you for your support. It would mean a lot to me if you would share this exciting news with your friends also.

I just purchased the Nook version and am VERY much looking forward to settling down with this on my iPad tonight. (All of your stories seem like “night” stories; it sets the mood.)
Guido, I mentioned this in the original Konrath post you did but will mention it again as it may have got lost amid the flurry of other comments. 🙂 I can’t buy your book because I’m in the “Asia & Pacific” region. Suggest you check that you have ticked the “worldwide rights” box when putting your titles up for sale.
(I have this problem with one of my own novels, published through Harlequin (Carina Press), but still have not had this resolved for a year.)
Sorry, that would be at the Amazon site.
World-wide rights are active on all my titles. I am not sure why this is not working for you. I’ll contact Amazon and will try to find out.