“Zen of eBook Marketing” hits #1 bestseller status!
As I am writing this, “Zen of eBook Marketing” has just hit the #1 position in the paid “Direct Marketing” category on Amazon. After making #1 in the free “Direct Marketing” and the “Reference Book” category during the book’s launch, to now see it hit bestseller status in a paid category is very cool. It is also #2 in another “Direct Marketing” category and if all goes well, it may even hit the top spot there. Here’s hoping!
Perhaps you could help me with one more push. Please share information about the book with your friends, writer groups and you social media. Feel free to simply retweet my own tweets about it. Just take your pick at @GuidoHenkel
If you haven’t done so yet, please also make sure to leave a review for the book on Amazon. The more reviews the book has, the more it speaks to people, indicating that it is, indeed, a good choice and that they should pick up a copy.
If you have not grabbed your copy yet, make sure to do so now.