Here’s what I’ve been doing lately
It seems I have neglected posting here on my blog for a little bit, but let me assure you that it was simply due to so many exciting things going on here on my end. So, perhaps, I should tell you a little about it.
A couple of weeks ago, I heard that the city of Baltimore had cut their financial support for the Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum, one of the city’s historic landmarks. I assign quite a bit of significance to this museum, as it is dedicated to perhaps the most important American horror writer. So when I heard that Literary Landmark Press is putting together an anthology of Poe-inspired short stories to benefit the Poe House, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.
I wrote a short story with the title The Blackwood Murders and submitted it to the editors. To my delight I was notified shortly thereafter that my story would, in fact, be included in the anthology The Spirit of Poe, which will be released shortly.
I felt both honored and flattered at the same time. Honored to become associated with something relating directly to Edgar Allan Poe, helping to protect his legacy by no small means. Flattered, because the editors of the anthology actually found my piece worthy enough to be included alongside many other accomplished writers.
I had a blast writing “The Blackwood Murders,” and during the entire time, I saw it play in front of my eyes like an old Roger Corman movie with Vincent Price. That should give you an idea what to expect from the story, and I hope many of you will show your support of the Poe House by purchasing a copy of the book. If you do, please DO let me know how you liked my entry. I’m a sucker for flattery. 🙂
Once I had that short story finished, I decided that it was time for me to put together a collection of Jason Dark mysteries to sell together as one book. After some soul searching and talking to friends, I have decided to release collections featuring three stories in one book. The first one, which will be available shortly, will therefore feature Demon’s Night, Theater of Vampires and Ghosts Templar in a single volume. In addition, as a bonus, I have decided to include the Jason Dark short story Food for the Dead in the collection. As you may recall, this story was a Fangoria exclusive and ran in five serialized installments in the magazine earlier this year. This collection will mark the first time this story will be available in one piece.
My wife and I are currently finalizing the cover for the release, but expect to hear more about it shortly. Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all the cool developments.
And then, just before Halloween, I had a great idea for a new Jason Dark story. Those of you who read “Curse of Kali,” the latest Jason Dark mystery, may recall that I seriously foreshadowed a story called Fu Man Chu’s Vampire in that book. Well, I had finally had the igniting idea where to go with the story.
Funny enough, at the same time, “National Novel Writing Month” – aka NaNoWriMo – kicked off and there was this huge frenzy of writers around the country starting up new projects. While I do not participate in NaNoWriMo, I decided it was a good occasion to kick off “Fu Man Chu’s Vampire” in earnest, and perhaps against my better judgment.
So, on November 1st I outlined and began writing this exciting new Jason Dark supernatural mystery with the intention to fulfill the NaNoWriMo required 1,600 words a day. I knew it would be hard for me to keep that pace with all the other stuff going on in my life, but I was very determined to give it a good and honest try.
Well, here we are, 12 days later and I am very proud to report that I have not only fulfilled my daily word counts, but exceeded them significantly on most days. As a result, “Fu Man Chu’s Vampire” is rapidly heading for its completion. As I am writing this, I am just about to tackle the book’s final scene, which means, the first draft should be complete later today!
I will then set it aside for a few days to work on the cover for it, before beginning the edits and revisions. Although I had planned not to write an Jason Dark stories in the near future, I am very happy I did. This is the fastest I have ever written any of these supernatural mysteries, and it could mean that, perhaps I will actually be able to release it around Christmas time, or at the very least, first thing in the new year. Either way, make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more info on this and other developments. It just so happens that I had another interesting idea for a project that I might pursue in the near future…

Congratulations on all counts, Guido! You’ve certainly been busy.
I look forward to reading Fu Man Chu’s Vampire. Alas, unless The Spirit of Poe anthology comes out in digital, I won’t be able to purchase a copy.
Also, I’m glad to see you’ll be putting together some collections. I think this can only be a good thing!
Congratulation, Guido!
On another subject: I’ve been reading your how-to-code-your-own-ebook posts lately. I know you don’t care much for the ‘automatic’ coding offered by text processors.
But what about Scrivener, a program which now offers ebook output in the prevalent formats (for Kindle, iPad, etc)? I’ve heard good things. I searched your site and saw no mention of it, so perhaps you would offer a post on the subject?
I have never used Scrivener to export an eBook. I’m a not sure how how good or bad it would turn out, but since Scrivener is, in essence, also a word processor, the same problems apply as they do with Word, etc. There are too many hidden things in the text that exporting straight from it is always a bit risky. I also never finish my books in Scrivener. I use it to write them, but I do all my revisions and editing in a word processor. Since no professional editor or proof reader accepts Scrivener files either, you always have to export to an RTF file or so. Properly re-importing the text after the corrections and edits have been made is not possible, so I think the ability of Scrivener to create eBooks is more a feature for the feature’s sake than something that makes a whole lot of sense in a real world scenario.
Don’t get me wrong. I am HUGE Scrivener fan, but creating eBooks is just not what’s it’s been designed for. It is writing software, not publishing software.
Hi Guido, nice to meet you. *curtsies* Congrats on the story in the Poe antho and the collection. Good times! I wasn’t aware of the funding cut to the Poe museum or the antho. Good to know.