Great Halloween Promotion and Give-Away
Halloween is coming our way faster than Dr. Prometheus’ muttered curse, and as we all know, Halloween is the time of all things ghoulish. I love Halloween and for that reason I have decided it is time to celebrate a little. I have prepared some exciting cool announcements for you.
Let us start with the first one, and perhaps the most important one.
Starting today and lasting until October 31, the night of All Hallow’s Eve, I am reducing the price of all e-book versions of the Jason Dark supernatural mysteries. You can now own any of the adventures for a new, ghoulishly low
I thought you would like that, but wait, don’t run off just yet, to purchase these action packed adventures. There is more you should know…
The Blood Witch just came over last night and gave me another stupendous idea. How about preparing a cool give-away where fans can win awesome prices? Cars, houses, vacations, the whole shebang! Easy for her to say, I know. But the more I thought about it the more I thought there was seed of a good idea in there that I should give a shot.
Therefore I am doing a nightmarish give-away. You can win some gorific movies, books and merchandise. I have for example five DVD copies of the Hammer Horror movie “Let Me In” here, that I will be giving away. In addition, one lucky winner will not only get that movie, but also a rare out-of-print version of Anchor Bay’s “Book of the Dead” edition of “Evil Dead” and “Evil Dead II.” In case you are not familiar with this, this was a release that featured a molded DVD covering made from Latex, looking like the Necronomicon in the movies. This release was a limited edition to begin with and has been out of print for years. Subsequently it has since turned into a highly sought-after collectible. Why am I giving it away then? Simple. I love my fans!
But there is more. I am also giving away a number of heavy duty Jason Dark mousepads along with Jason Dark t-shirts. And since we’re all haunted bookworms here, I am also throwing in some books, such as the incredible – and I mean incredible – “Romancing the Vampire” by David J. Skal, “Mean Streets” by Gord Rollo and Gene O’Neill and some others. For a complete list of prices, please see below, but either way, I promise I will make it worth your while. 🙂
So, are you game? I am sure that by now you are wondering how you could get your paws on these hot prices. Let me explain how this will work…
I want you to “Share” my books and tell the world about it. Simple as that. So, go to my books on Amazon and for every book in the list, click the “Like” button found on the product page. Next, a small pop-up box will appear and there, click on the “F” symbol to share your love with your Facebook friends so that they can see it, or click on the Twitter icon to share the love with your Tweeps. A share takes no more than two mouse-clicks — not a whole lot, considering what you could win in the bargain. Count how many of the books you shared this way.

Next, go to the list of my books on Barnes&Noble’s website. On the product page for each book, click on the “F” to share the love with your Facebook friends and also click on the “+1” symbol to share it with your Google+ circles. Again, two mouse-clicks are all that required. Once again, count how may of the books you shared this way.

The next step is simple. You simply send an email to and put “Shared: xxx” in the subject line. “xxx” would, naturally, stand for the number of your total shares.
As you can see, this is really simple and no purchase is necessary. You can share my books even if you’ve never even read one. In fact, I would love for you to share information about the books anyway, because even if they are not your bag, maybe some of your friends like Victorian era supernatural mysteries.
At the end of the give-away, on October 22, I will then randomly draw winners from the shares and get their head-chopping prices to them. So, with any luck you might find some of these goodies in your mailbox before Halloween.
There is no limit how many times you can submit shares. You can send them in one at a time or wait until the end and send in the grand total, it is your choice. Your odds of winning will be the same. What is important, however, is that every time you share a book this way with your peeps, tweeps and friends, it will increase your odds of winning. The more, the merrier, as they say.
So, how’s that for a Halloween treat for you? Now, what are you waiting for? I want to see some Facebook shares show up on people’s walls and some shares filtering in my Twitter feed. Let’s make some noise. Let’s tell the world about Jason Dark and his awesome supernatural adventures in Victorian England!
Grand Prize:
- “Book of the Dead” Edition DVD of “Evil Dead” and “Evil Dead II”
- “Let Me In” Hammer Horror DVD
- “Escape From Vampire Island” Blu-Ray/DVD combo
- “Mean Streets” paperback by Gord Rollo and Gene O’Neill
- $25 Amazon gift card
- Jason Dark mouse pad
- Jason Dark t-shirt
2nd Prize
- 1-year subscription to “Fangoria” magazine, America’s leading horror magazine, courtesy of Fangoria
- “Let Me In” Hammer Horror DVD
- “Scream 4” Blu-Ray/DVD combo
- “Mean Streets” paperback by Gord Rollo and Gene O’Neill
- Jason Dark mouse pad
- Jason Dark t-shirt
3rd Prize
- “Romancing the Vampire” hardcover by David J. Skal
- “The Ruins” paperback by Scott Smith
- “Mean Streets” paperback by Gord Rollo and Gene O’Neill
- Jason Dark mouse pad
- Jason Dark t-shirt
4th – 6th Prize
- “Let Me In” Hammer Horror DVDs
- Jason Dark mouse pad
- Jason Dark t-shirt

Yay, Guido! I’ll share and share widely, my friend! You have all of my love and support!