Commatizing numbers in Python

Platform: Any
Language: Python
Requirements: None

Earlier today, I stumbled across a small programming challenge on that required a solution in Python. I was intrigued enough to give it a shot and below you will find my approach to “commatizing” numbers in string.

The challenge is simple. Take a string, see if it contains numbers and then format the numbers in a specific way, by clustering the digits and inserting separators like commas, periods, blanks, or blanks, to make them more readable.

In essence, the string
will be turned into something like
pi=3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59231

The approach needs to be flexible so that clusters can have a variable length and the separator can be defined.

import re as RegEx

def Commatize( _string, _startPos=0, _clusterLen=3, _separator="," ):
  outString = ""
  strPos = 0
  matches = RegEx.findall( "[0-9]*", _string )

  for match in matches[:-1]:
    if not match:
      outString += _string[ strPos ]
      strPos += 1
      if len(match) > _clusterLen:
        leadIn = match[:_startPos]
        clusters =  [ match [ i:i + _clusterLen ] for i in range ( _startPos, len ( match ), _clusterLen ) ]
        outString += leadIn + _separator.join( clusters )
        outString += match

      strPos += len( match )

  return outString

print ( Commatize( "pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459231", 0, 5, " " ) )
print ( Commatize( "The author has two Z$100000000000000 Zimbabwe notes (100 trillion).", 0, 3, "." ))
print ( Commatize( "\"-in Aus$+1411.8millions\"" ))
print ( Commatize( "===US$0017440 millions=== (in 2000 dollars)" ))
print ( Commatize( "123.e8000 is pretty big." ))
print ( Commatize( "The land area of the earth is 57268900(29% of the surface) square miles." ))
print ( Commatize( "Ain't no numbers in this here words, nohow, no way, Jose." ))
print ( Commatize( "James was never known as 0000000007" ))
print ( Commatize( "Arthur Eddington wrote: I believe there are 15747724136275002577605653961181555468044717914527116709366231425076185631031296 protons in the universe." ))
print ( Commatize( "␢␢␢$-140000±100 millions." ))
print ( Commatize( "6/9/1946 was a good year for some.", 0, 4 ))

The workings of the code are very simple. I use a regular expression to locate series of digits in the string and then iterate through the resulting match to create a new output string. I am skipping the last match because it represents the End-of-string marker.

for match in matches[:-1]:

Whenever RegEx encounters a non-digit, it will create an empty match, so as I iterate through matches, I check if a match is empty and simply copy the respective letter from the original string.

If a valid digit match is found, I check the length of the series. If it’s shorter than the desired cluster length, it is copied verbatim, while longer series will be turned into a list of clusters of the desired length. They are then joined back together, using the separator. I am doing this with an often-overlooked little Python trick by applying the join() function to the separator string, while providing the list of clusters as a parameter.

_separator.join( clusters )

The print statements are simple output code to illustrate the usage and the results of the function.

I hope this is something you can use for yourself some time.

Hang loose!


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